Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My sick baby girl :((

So little Wyatt is 1 week old and sis gets croup. We tried to wait for her appointment with her doctor the next morning but she just wasnt doing good so her rushed her to the ER:( I had to drop little man off with the sitter and go to class for a minute. Finally I got there and she seemed better well they said she would have to stay for a while. So I kissed and lovd on her then I had to leave to go feed lil man.

Well when I was home they decided to admit her  for a while longer to see if her breathing got better. So that sucked big time:( I wanted my girl . I got to go back to take them some things they needed. She was so cute laying n her bed. She was still sounding kinda ruff with her breathing but not too bad or so I thought.

Later that night when I got home with the boys Will called and said they were sending her to the Childrend Hospital:( She was pretty sick.
pictures 247& 248 of 365

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